Interactive online presentation and symposium in collaboration with Ensemble Resonanz, Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) Karlsruhe, Ensemble Modern, Ensemble MusikFabrik, and Klangforum Wien

Soloists from each ensemble recorded individual voices from Georg Friedrich Haas’s ensemble work “…Einklang freier Wesen…” in five different cities around the world. The ZKM then developed the recordings into a multichannel audio interface that allows listeners to interact and experiment with the placement of the different voices. The interface visually resembles a constellation of sound sources and allows listeners to take on an active role in exploring and experimenting with the work’s score. The work will be presented in a browser-based app to be released on January 29th, alongside a symposium featuring discussions around experiencing music digitally.

Free online access (no RSVP needed)

More information here.