Hear an excerpt of Ondřej Adámek’s Ca tourne ca bloque and read what Talea intern, Zach Seely, says about Adámek’s fascinating music. Come hear the US Premiere of Ca tourne ca bloque on September 21st at the Bohemian National Hall.
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I am always excited when introduced to a composer’s new works. It’s a thrilling moment, when one is never quite sure what to expect. The journey through the unknown and the experience of absorbing the soundworlds a composer and performer(s) forge together can be entirely captivating. The opportunity to hear new music that provokes different ways of listening or performing can be the most rewarding. Sharing these experiences with others is just as fulfilling.
It is with this same spirit of excitement that Talea will be performing Ondřej Adámek’s “Ca tourne ca bloque” (2008), for ten instrumentalists and sampler, for our opening night concert. In this energetic work, Adámek masterfully interweaves a wide timbral spectrum within an environment full of musical expression. Within the work’s large structure, Adámek playfully choreographs exchanges in timbre and infuses a dialogue with infectiously fractured rhythmic motives. “Ca tourne ca bloque” explores intricacies perceived in the articulations and contour of speech patterns. The instrumentalists emulate these characteristic voices and provide an additional rich palette of sound colors. His pieces fuse contemporary classical music and elements of music from different cultures. Adámek has quickly become a widely celebrated and prolific composer. His works have been featured by many prominent figures amongst our international music community. His musical soundscapes are simple, clear, and engaging.
Zach Seely